Working With Harpur Advising

There are several ways to connect with a Harpur Academic Advisor. 

In-Person, Zoom or Phone Appointments:

What it is: a 30 minute one-on-one meeting with a specific advisor

During high traffic times (add/drop, preregistration, etc.), drop-ins are best for: quick questions about registration and course scheduling, senior graduation checks

30 minute appointments are best for: complex questions, long-term degree planning, major or minor exploration, planning for financial aid

How to make an appointment: You can schedule an appointment online through B-Successful, call 607-777-6305, or visit the front office. If scheduling an appointment online, indicate whether you want an in-person, Zoom, or phone appointment by selecting the appointment location. If you request a phone appointment, please include your phone number in the appointment description. Check back at 9:00 am on business days for newly released appointments. 

What to prepare: When you sign into the Zoom link provided, you will be put into a waiting room until your advisor is ready to meet with you. Our appointments are scheduled back-to-back. We will do our best to meet with each student at the assigned time and we ask that you be ready to start your meeting as soon as your advisor starts the appointment. Appointments will be canceled if you show up more than 10 minutes late for your scheduled appointment time. Prepare a list of questions in order to use your time efficiently. Begin to think about what you want the rest of your college experience to look like, so we can help you work it into your long-term degree plan.


Best for: well-defined, short, less-complex questions that can be answered in a couple of sentences. Depending on the complexity of the question, you may be asked to come in to speak with an advisor

Not for: Complex questions that require follow-up or clarification questions. Depending on the complexity of the question, you may be asked to come in to speak with an advisor. Please allow 2-3 business days for a response. Response times may be longer during busier times of the year, such as add/drop or preregistration. 

Helpful Hint: Remember to include your BNumber in your email – it helps advisors look up your record.